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Community Groups

To add a Community Group to this page please send details to: info@clonegalkildavin.ie

For information on the Community Groups below please click on the link

Spellman Hall

For information on Spellman Hall and details on bookings - please click on the image.


St Brigid’s Hall

For information on St. Brigid's Hall and details on bookings - please click on the image.

AED / Defibrillator in Kildavin

Joe Mernagh 087 2980579 Key holder
Luke Hayden 087 6430352 Key holder
Paul Kelly 086 3937114 Key holder
Ruth Kelso 087 2546675
Mick Johnston 087 0530969
Fiona Doyle 087 1209627
Clare Doyle 087 6784442
Dee Mernagh 085 2033502
Jenna Mernagh 087 7703775
Alex Morahan 087 7814232
Maurice O' Toole 053 9376628

Kildavin Development Association identified the need for an AED in our community in early 2011. Fundraising was undertaken and every household in Kildavin was invited to contribute €10 towards the purchase of the device.
Following on from this we were put in contact with the Barry Geoghegan Trust Fund in Carlow. They have undertaken to supply life saving equipment (AED’s) to schools, clubs, businesses and wherever possible throughout Carlow Town and County. This trust fund was set up in memory of their son and brother, Barry Geoghegan, who died of such a sudden heart death. They agreed to provide us with a defibrillator and training. We acknowledge their kindness and generosity and are deeply grateful to them.

Our AED was installed in April 2011 in Spellman GAA Park, Kildavin. Contact details are on the hall door and throughout Kildavin village for anyone who should require it in emergency. The same list is provided here and training will continue so that as many people as possible will be trained in the use of an AED. This list will be updated as new people are trained and added to it.
We are also deeply grateful to the people of Kildavin who contributed so generously to this cause and the monies collected will go towards the Barry Geoghegan Trust Fund as our contribution from Kildavin towards their very wonderful work.

Bunclody Public Library

Contact Details
Address: Millwood, Carrigduff, Bunclody, Co. Wexford.
Phone: +353 53 9375466
Email: bunclodylib@wexfordcoco.ie
Website: http://www.wexford.ie/wex/Departments/Library/
Executive Librarian: Patricia Keenan

Hours of Opening:
Day Opening Hours

Monday 10.30 - 5.30, Closed for lunch between 1pm to 2pm
Tuesday 10.30 - 9.00, Open lunchtime
Wednesday 10.30 - 5.30, Open lunchtime
Thursday 10.30 - 9.00, Open lunchtime
Friday 10.30 - 5.30, Open lunchtime
Saturday 10.30 - 5.30, Closed for lunch between 1pm to 2pm
(Closed on Saturdays of Bank Holiday weekends)

Free Internet Access
Adult Lending & Reference
Research facilities
Local Studies Information
Children's Services
Special Events - Wexford Public Library Service provides a program of lectures, exhibitions, book launches, readings and children's activities throughout the year.

Accessible Library Services available to assist include:
Large Print Material
Audio Books
Computer software Jaws reader available on public access pc (Software that can read what's written on the computer screen)
Computer assist hardware available on accessible pc e.g. keyboard with large keys, tracker ball as an alternative to a mouse
Portable loop system to aid hearing impaired users.

Clonegal Tidy Towns 

Committee Members:
Chairperson: John Dunne
Secretary: Frank McCarthy
Treasurer: Karen Fitzharris
Email Contact: clonegal.tidy.village@gmail.com

There are many other committee members who are energetically and enthusiastically involved in the care and beautification of this idyllic village. The present committee was formed in 1998 and has gone from strength to strength over the years. Many newcomers to the area are involved and have joined with more settled residents in putting their time, money and energy into the maintenance and care of Clonegal.
Clonegal has indeed accrued a fine list of achievements over the years. These include:

Represented Ireland and Carlow in Washington D.C. in Nations in Bloom in 2000.
6 bronze medals in Tidy Towns Competition.
3 silver medals
Pride of place
Floral pride
1st Carlow village to win national Pride of Place
Won Litter Action League on 5 separate occasions
Won gold medal in 2010 (3rd in Ireland's tidiest village, 5 points behind the winners Tallanstown)
Won gold medal in 2011 (4 points behind the winners Emily, Tipperary)
Won gold medal in 2012 (4 points behind the winners Abbeyshrule in Co. Longford)
Pride of Place 2012: Two awards. Environment strategy - best bring bank; also joint second in population category 500-1000.
Won gold medal 2013
Awarded Gold in the Entente Florale European Competition 2013
Clonegal Overall Winners of Carlow Local Authorities Pride of Place Awards 2013
Tidiest Village in Ireland in the Tidy Towns Competition 2014 
Tidiest Village in Ireland in the Tidy Towns Competition 2015

Clonegal received a Gold Medal (Tidy Towns Competition) for the 7th consecutive year and winner of the County Awards (Carlow) 2016
Clonegal was winner of the village/towns category (250 – 750 population) Carlow Pride of Place 2016 (further details below)

New members are always welcome and volunteers are greatly appreciated.

For more information please contact: clonegal.tidy.village@gmail.com

Tidy Towns Results for 2012:
Gold Medal for Clonegal
Clonegal Tidy Village Committee secured another Gold Medal in the Tidy Towns Competition for 2012. Congratulations to all the committee and volunteers who gave their energy, dedication and expertise to achieve the top marks in Carlow - a massive 308 just 4 points behind the overall winners Abbeyshrule in Co. Longford. The village was in pristine condition all summer even though our weather was not conducive to working outdoors but the committee and volunteers braved the elements to have our village looking its best.
Thank you to everyone involved in achieving a third Gold Medal; the people of Clonegal are so proud to be once again the overall winners in Carlow.

For a detailed breakdown of the all results please click below:
To view the adjudicator's report please click here

4 years in a row – Clonegal is awarded “Gold” 2013
It was announced in the Helix Theatre in Dublin on Monday 9th September 2013 that Clonegal once again achieved another “Gold Medal” in the Tidy Towns Competition. The Clonegal Tidy Village Association is thrilled with the result. To be awarded 4 “Gold Medals” in 4 successive years is truly a great achievement. Great credit is due to all the members of the Tidy Village Association who worked so hard throughout the summer to have the village looking in pristine condition. Also great tribute must be paid to the entire community who supported all the work with painting, planting, digging, weeding, providing lunches and lots more. “4 in a Row” is a culmination of all the work and development that has taken place in Clonegal over the last 20 years. Thank you to everyone.
To view the Adjudication Report please click here

Clonegal awarded "Gold" in Europe 2013
The Community in Clonegal is ecstatic at the award of a Gold medal in Europe. Clonegal represented Ireland (Village Category) in the Entente Florale Competition across 11 European countries. The community in Clonegal reached a very high standard and is very proud of what has been achieved. Clonegal was honoured to have represented Ireland and is so please to have done the very best for our country. Gold could never have been achieved without the support, encouragement and direction of the Community & Enterprise Department of Carlow County Council, under the Leadership of Director of Services Bernie O'Brien and her team including Anna Byrne & Jannette O'Brien. A thank you is also due to the Community in Clonegal, Tidy Village Association and the Steering Committee for all the hard work in preparation for the great event.

To view the assessment Report please click here
To view the Entente Florale results please click here

To view a selection of photos of the Entente Florale Day in Clonegal please click here

Clonegal Overall Winners of Carlow Local Authorities Pride of Place Awards 2013
Winners of Category A … Population category <500
Clonegal community carried out all the work they said they would do and to a high standard.
Winners of the “Streets Award”
Main Street wins this award for being clean and free from litter, for its upkeep of buildings, walls, kerbs, street furniture and for its planting schemes that suit the architecture and rural nature of the village.
Winners of the “Colour me beautiful” award
For the colourful mural on wall at St. Brigid’s School and for keeping the old water pumps in village painted, and for the colourful displays of permanent plants.
St Fiaac’s Church won the “Butt Out” war on cigarette butt litter campaign
St. Fiaac’s church in addition to their litter warden keeping a sign out for butts have also bravely instigated a no smoking policy within the church grounds – very effective.
Clonegal National School were runner up in the County Schools Category
Johnny Dunne’s Pub… (Sean O'Duinn )…. Was runner up in the Business Category

Clonegal Tidiest Village in Ireland 2014
The entire community and Tidy Village Association are delighted with the announcement that Clonegal is the Tidiest Village in Ireland 2014. It was announced at the awards ceremony in the Helix Theatre in Dublin on Monday 8th September. On hand to present the prizes were Mr. Alan Kelly, T.D., Minister for the Environment, Community and Local Government and Mr. Martin Kelleher, Managing Director of SuperValu, the competition’s main sponsor for the 23rd year. Clonegal also was awarded a "Gold" medal making it the 5th Gold medal in five successive years. Clonegal Tidy Village Association wish to thank the whole community for their support in achieving this prestigious award. A lot of hard work was done in preparation for the competition to have the village in perfect condition and the committee wish to thank everyone involved.
To view / download the Adjudication Report please click here

Clonegal wins Tidiest Small Village 2015
It was announced in the Helix Theatre on Monday 28th September 2015 Clonegal has been awarded the Tidiest Small Village 2015 in the Tidy Towns Competition.
Congratulations to Clonegal Tidy Village Association for this wonderful achievement. This is the second year in succession Clonegal has won this award.
On hand to present the prizes was Mr. Alan Kelly, T.D., Minister for the Environment, Community and Local Government and Mr. Martin Kelleher, Managing Director of SuperValu, the competition’s main sponsor for the 24th year. The Helix was packed with representatives of Tidy Towns groups, from all over the country, eagerly anticipating the announcement of the winners.
Clonegal Co. Carlow claimed the award of Ireland’s Tidiest Village. Other winners included Listowel, Co Kerry receiving the award for Ireland’s Tidiest Small Town, Westport Co. Mayo received the award of Ireland’s Tidiest Large Town, while Letterkenny was declared as Ireland's Tidiest Large Urban Centre and overall winner.

To view the adjudicator's report on Clonegal please click here

Clonegal overall winner in Carlow Pride of Place

Congratulations to Clonegal Tidy Village Association for its success in the Carlow Pride of Place competition. It was announced on Thursday 22nd October 2015 in the Lord Bagenal Inn, Leighlinbridge, that Clonegal was the overall winner of Carlow Pride of Place 2015. Clonegal was also awarded the best village in the category (250 – 750 population). Clonegal also achieved the No. 1 award in the “Street Category”. Main Street, Clonegal, was judged as the most beautiful street in Carlow. In the “Estate Category”, Moyacomb Meadows was 2nd in the awards for small estates (less than 40 houses). Clonegal Tidy Village Association would like to thank everyone who helped and supported in any way to achieve all these awards.

Tidy Towns Results 2016
The Tidy Towns Results were announced on Monday 26th September 2016 in The Helix Theatre. On hand to present the prizes were Mr. Michael Ring, T.D., Minister for Regional Development and Mr. Martin Kelleher, Managing Director of SuperValu, the competition’s sponsor for the 25th year. The Helix was packed with representatives of Tidy Towns groups, from all over the country.
Clonegal its points on last year by 3 points.
Clonegal received a Gold Medal for the 7th consecutive year and winner of the County Awards (Carlow).
To view/download Clonegal Adjudication Report please click here

Carlow Pride of Place Awards 2016
Clonegal was winner of the village/towns category (250 – 750 population); the Street Category; received the Litter Free Award and St. Brigid’s Terrace was runner up in the small estates category.

Clonegal Retains the Gold Medal Award 2017
Clonegal Tidy Village Association is really pleased to be awarded a gold medal for the 8th successive year in the Tidy Towns Competition with a score of 328 points just 4 points behind the overall winners – Birdhill Co. Tipperary to whom we send our congratulations. The second achievement was the county award coming 1st in County Carlow. Tidy Village Association would like to thank everyone who helped out in any way. Your assistance is very much appreciated. Thank you.

To view/download the adjudication report please click here.

Carlow Pride of Place 2017
The Carlow Pride of Place Awards night took place in The Lord Bagenal Hotel on Wednesday 18th October 2017. Clonegal was winner of the
Towns / Villages section in the category 250 - 750 population and also was awarded "Best Side Out" (Litter Free Award) in the same category. Congratulations is extended to John McCabe who was presented with the Individual Award in recognition of all he has done for the community over the years. Johnny Dunne (Séan Ó Dúinn) won the Business Award for the presentation of his premises and also for all the eco friendly additions he has made on the premises.

Clonegal Retains Gold in Tidy Towns 2019
The results of SuperValu Tidy Towns Competition were announced in the Helix Theatre, DCU, on Monday 30th September 2019 by Minister Michael Ring TD, Minister for Rural and Community Development and Mr Michael Kelleher, Managing Director of SuperValu. Congratulations to Clonegal on retaining the Gold Award for the 10th successive year also, for the County Award which is the highest marks in County Carlow. Clonegal Tidy Village Association thanks the entire community, all the volunteers, businesses and the national school for all the support during the season which kept the village in pristine condition. Without this support these awards would not have been achieved.
To view / download the Clonegal adjudicator’s report 2019 please click/tap here

Carlow Pride of Place 2019
At the 20th anniversary of Carlow Pride of Place which was held in the Woodford Dolmen Hotel in Carlow on Wednesday 6th November 2019, Clonegal won 2nd prize in the “Towns and Villages Category” (population 250 - 750). The "Butt Out" award was given to Clonegal in recognition of the absence of cigarette butts in the village. John Dunne received the "Individual Award" which recognises the work and service to the community over several decades.

Heritage Committee Clonegal

This is one of the oldest committees in Clonegal.
The committee:

Chairperson: John McCabe
Treasurer: Peter Whelan
Advisor: Emily Corrigan

The heritage committee has been devoted to celebrating and displaying the heritage and culture which is part of all of our past. The success of this committee is based on the good will and enthusiasm of those dedicated to such a worthwhile endeavour.

House of Song and Story- This social event was initiated by the heritage committee and originally met in the Weavers Cottages. However due to the popularity of this event they had to move to bigger premises and now meet in St Brigid’s Hall in Clonegal on the third Monday night of every month.

For more information please contact John McCabe on 087 948 9342

Kildavin Clonegal Drama Group

Every little village has its own drama but few indeed can boast the achievements and excitement of Kildavin Clonegal Drama Group. They have been in existence since 1918. For many years the drama group did their rehearsals in Sinnotts loft on the main street of Kildavin village. They then presented their production in the old school which was in the grounds of the Catholic Church.

Like any organisation formed so long ago there have been years when the drama just didn’t make it to the stage. But still the spirit survives and the work and fun and sense of camaraderie drive us forward. Since Spellman Hall was first opened in Kildavin in 1956 it has become synonymous with the drama and indeed is known far and wide because of this link. The present group have managed to put on a production now for the past 13 consecutive years which is, in itself a wonderful tribute to the committee. It enjoys the humour and vision of Dick Gibson as producer. Dick manages to put nuances never intended into many productions and in doing so can make a classic an unforgettable experience. He has been involved in the group since the early 1960’s and has been producing since 1982. John B. Keane has had a few runs out on the boards in Spellman Hall, Kildavin and always brings great joy and laughter to those lucky enough to be present.
Kildavin Clonegal drama group has made a point of being involved in supporting local charities and always put on a final production for a worthy cause. They also pride themselves in maintaining and renewing many aspects of Spellman Hall. For all of these endeavours they are to be commended.

The committee for 2017:

Chairperson: John Hickey
Secretary: Carmel Gibson
Treasurer: Dick Gibson
Committee members: All the Cast

Kildavin Development Association

Kildavin Development Association has been in operation in the village of Kildavin for many years. In that time it has seen the growth and development of the village and has been involved in the promotion of various aspects of the life of this beautiful little village.

Many stone walls have been restored; the old water pump and commemoration of the fallen heroes of 1798, the renewal and maintenance of Cranevane Well on the Myshall road, and many more projects have been successfully completed by this dedicated team of local people.

Kildavin has always competed at the top level in the Litter League and in 2010 it has re-entered into the National Tidy Towns competition. In recent months the Spellman local community hall has been renovated and many of the development committee have been involved in this wonderful and worthwhile project.

The Committee:
Chairperson - Helen Kinsella 087 2797822
Secretary - Catherine Barry; email: catherineabarry@gmail.com
Treasurer - Mary Conway
Committee Members
Maura Clarke, Dick Gibson, Margaret Doyle, Alex Morahan.

New Members are always welcome and appreciated.

Kildavin Leaps Forward in Every Area
Congratulations to Kildavin Development Association and all the volunteers who have given their time and energy to bring Kildavin to the standard it is today. All the work that has taken place has resulted in an increase in marks in every area in the 2011 Tidy Towns Competition (category B).
To view the adjudicator's report please click here

Success in Pride of Place
Congratulations to Kildavin Community and the Pride of Place Committee on coming runner up in the "Cooperation Ireland Pride of Place all island" competition 2011 this is a great achievement for the area and well done to all who helped out in any way . This is a foundation stone on which we can build great thing in our community , keep up the good work!!!

Kildavin secure 3 awards in Carlow Local Authorities Pride of Place Awards 2013
Winner Heritage Award - Kildavin - Cranavane Well & Old Monastic Site
This historic site which is a real pleasure to visit. It is almost perfect with regard to the care and attention given to maintaining it. The overall approach was one of less is more and any work was sensitively carried out with respect for the site and the environment.
Winner Community Development
Congratulations to the community of Kildavin for planning and producing a splendid and restful garden area in the middle of their beautiful village.
Winner Scoop the Poop - Aunty Litter Dog fouling
Kildavin had clearly outlined their strategy for dealing with dog fouling. Each household in the area was provided with poop bags and signs erected in the village. No signs of dog fouling were found at the time of judging.

Kildavin increases points in Tidy Towns 2014
Congratulations to Kildavin Development Association who increased their points by 9 in this year's Tidy Towns Competition. Great praise is due to the committee members and all who helped in any way to have the village impeccable for the competition.
To view the adjudicator's report please click here

Kildavin Wins Pride of Place
Kildavin village has won the Best Small Village Award in County Carlow in the 2014 Pride of Place Awards. The announcement was made at a gala awards ceremony at Mount Wolseley Hotel in Tullow on Wednesday 29th October. Kildavin Development Committee received the award for their commitment and hard work in developing the village and in its huge attention to the enhancement of the rural aspect of the environment. Huge congratulations to Helen Kinsella, Mary Conway, Helga Mullen, Margaret Doyle, Ger and Steven Tangney and Jane Beer. The committee is currently planning the creation of a wonderful herb garden with seating in Crowesgrove.

Kildavin increases points in Tidy Towns Competition
Congratulations to Kildavin Development Association for increasing their points in the Tidy Towns Competition. Obviously a lot of hard work went into preparing the village for Tidy Towns. All the efforts of Kildavin Development Association and volunteers is very much appreciated.
To view the adjudicator's report on Kildavin please click here

Kildavin celebrates awards in Pride of Place
Congratulations to Kildavin Development Association for all the work, energy and creativity for the Pride of Place 2015. The association had the village in pristine condition for the competition. Kildavin is delighted to have achieved the two awards in Pride of Place 2015. The village was awarded second in the “Small Village” category (less than 250 population). A special award was given in the “Aunty Litter” category for the creative idea of painting green footprints approaching a litter bin and exiting from it.

Tidy Towns Results 2016
The Tidy Towns Results were announced on Monday 26th September 2016 in The Helix Theatre. On hand to present the prizes were Mr. Michael Ring, T.D., Minister for Regional Development and Mr. Martin Kelleher, Managing Director of SuperValu, the competition’s sponsor for the 25th year. The Helix was packed with representatives of Tidy Towns groups, from all over the country.
Kildavin increased its points on last year by 11 points (increasing their points in six areas of the competition).
To view/download Kildavin Adjudication Report please click here

Carlow Pride of Place Awards 2016
Kildavin was winner in the community projects section for their Community Garden and also runner up in the towns/villages category (up to 250 population).

Tidy Towns Results 2017
Kildavin Development Association had further success in this year’s Tidy Towns Competition. Last year Kildavin's points increased by 11 and this year by a further 4 marks. This is evidence of the hard and unwavering work that is being carried out in the village. Great praise is due to all the workers and volunteers who had Kildavin looking its best for the adjudication. Well done to everyone.
To view/download the Kildavin adjudication report please click here.

Carlow Pride of Place Awards 2017
Kildavin Development Association was awarded the Cathaoirleach's Award and also was given the "Best Side Out" in the category - up to 250 population.
Well done to all the volunteers who helped out in any way.

Kildavin increases points in Tidy Towns Competition 2019
Congratulations to Kildavin for the increase in points in the Tidy Towns Competition. An increase in points was achieved in the following categories: Community/Planning; Streetscape and Public Places; Sustainability and Approach Roads. The adjudicator’s report was a very positive one and can be viewed / downloaded below. Kildavin Development Committee thanks the community, all the volunteers and the national school for their support throughout the season. Your support and help is very much appreciated.
To view / download the Kildavin adjudicator’s report 2019 please click/tap here

Carlow Pride of Place 2019
At the 20th anniversary of Carlow Pride of Place which was held in the Woodford Dolmen Hotel in Carlow on Wednesday 6th November 2019, Kildavin was awarded "Best Side Out" which recognises the cleanest approach roads.

Parish Council Clonegal / Kildavin Parish

In May 2010 the new members of the Clonegal/Kildavin Pastoral Council were commissioned at a special Mass in St Brigid’s Church, Clonegal. The following are the members and their roles.

Presidents: Fr Joseph Fleming & Fr Tom O'Byrne
Chairperson: John McCabe
Secretary: Carmel Gibson
Diocesan Contact: Margaret Doyle
Geraldine Byrne, Kevin Breen

The Parish Council meets on a monthly basis.

Fr Tom O'Byrne at 059 915 7635
Fr Joseph Fleming at 053 937 7298

Ring a Link: Kildavin

Who We Are
Ring a Link is a non-profit making, charitable organisation funded by the Department of Transport, offering affordable and convenient transport for rural dwellers of Counties Carlow, Kilkenny and South Tipperary. Ring a Link has journeys for everyone whether it's for commuting, shopping, leisure, medical appointments or meeting your friends on the bus. Our services will allow you to travel to your local village or town, and many services link with mainline bus or train services.
Ring a Link services are demand responsive and door-to-door. This means that when you have booked your seat on the bus it will collect you from your house, take you to a central location in town and return you to your house. The services runbetween Monday to Saturday depending on which area you live in.
To find out more call us on 1890 - 42 41 41 between 9.00am and 4.30pm (Monday to Friday) and 9.00am and 12.30pm (Saturday) and request a membership form by post. You can also fill out the membership form from the REGISTER page or down load the membership form and post it back to us.
Ring a link operates from Kildavin on Thursday and Fridays travelling to Tullow and Carlow. For further information please contact the above phone number.